Yeah, it's been a while, I'm not spending too much time at home lately so therefore no time to investigate for new music nor uploading stuff.
Well, I'm proudly announcing to you that our good friends The River Unrest are finnally in their recording process for their new album, which is goin to be sick -faster tempos and more tappings than in their first album. They apparently have included two new members (rythm guitarist and new drummer). They've been having writing and jamming sesions since a month ago or so. And now they're planning to release this new album hopefully within the next two weeks. So keep an eye on their Facebook and Bandcamp.
This blog was born back in 2010, inspired by posthardcore bands that emulate or were inspired by The Fall of Troy in any sense.
Now in 2015 music has evolved and some of us have grown up musically speaking too, so probably this modality mentioned above will change a little bit, but will always try to keep that main essence. Also my intention has always being to show you, or describe bands rather than making reviews as the ones you can see on youtube arguing wether "this is a good album duh" or "Their first album was blabla"
Feel free to enjoy the music in here, and remember to support artists (if you're able to do it) or simply share their music. If you have any contribution, feedback, want me to delete a publication, etc, contact me through lastfm or follow the blog via Facebook.